Musicology Today
Volume 20 (2023): Issue 1 (December 2023)
The Urban Music Scene
- Sławomira Żerańska-Kominek
The Urban Music Scene - Ryszard J. Wieczorek
‘Besolte Instrumentisten der Königlichen Stadt Breslaw’: The Hess Brothers’ Anthology (1555) and Its European Context - Rafał Ciesielski
Żary – The City of Georg Philipp Telemann - Małgorzata Woźna-Stankiewicz
Everyday Outdoor Music Life in Galician Cracow - Magdalena Dziadek
Open-Air Music in Warsaw Between the World Wars - Jolanta Guzy-Pasiak
Jewish Popular Music in Galicia: Karol Rathaus’ Recollections of Chune Wolfsthal - Joanna Chorzępa
The Profiles and Artistic Experiences of Street Musicians in the Urban Spaces of Montpellier, Sète, and Paris - Jakub Kopaniecki
The Role of Beach Bars in Wrocław’s Local Music Scene
Musicology Today
Volume 19 (2022): Issue 1 (December 2022)
- Sławomira Żerańska-Kominek
Introduction - Olena Berehova
The Imagosphere of Myroslav Skoryk's Opera Moses - Agnieszka Jeż
General Music Education in a Multi-Ethnic Context, on the Example of State-Run Schools in Poland between the World Wars - Cindy Bylander
The Mass Song Seminar at Nieborów, June 1950 - Beata Bolesławska-Lewandowska
Three Psalms, Liturgia sacra, Fragments: the Last Works in Zygmunt Mycielski's Oeuvre - Agnieszka Cieślak-Krupa
A Kiss for Cinderella (1925) The Importance of Historical Accuracy in Reconstructing Scores to Silent Films Based on the Mirskey Collection - Sylwia Makomaska
How to ‘Discover the Beauty of Life’ in / against the Disease? Musicology in the Therapy for the Elderly with Oncological Illnesses - Sławomira Żerańska-Kominek
‘The Whiteness’ of Music Analysis. A Gloss on Philip Ewell's Lamentation over Schenker
Musicology Today
Volume 18 (2021): Issue 1 (December 2021)
Pasticcio. Ways of arranging attractive operas
- Aneta Markuszewska
Introduction - Giovanni Polin
The Work Concept in Eighteenth-Century Italian Opera: Some Issues, Modest Proposals and Contributions - Ina Knoth
Just for the Ladies? Compilation, Knowledge Practice and Pasticcio in England around 1720 - Berthold Over
The Art of ‘Cooking’ a Pasticcio: Musical Recipes and Ingredients for Pasticcio Operas - Aneta Markuszewska
Pasticcio and Pleasure. L’abbandono di Armida (Venice 1729) - Anne Desler
‘Per desiderio di farsi onore’: Singers and the Adaptation of Arias in Italian drammi per musica of the Early Eighteenth-Century Italy - Raffaele Mellace
Hasse's Siroe, Thirty Years Later: A Veritable Work in Progress - Emilia Pelliccia and Sonia Rzepka
From ‘insignificant’ bars to significant social relations: Elisabeth Teyber and Laodice's accompagnato in Siroe (1763) - Reinhard Strohm
Scipione impasticciato: Performing, Researching and Reviving London operas from 1730–1731 - Gesa zur Nieden
Pasticcio, Arrangement, or Adaptation? Georg Philipp Telemann's Pasticcio Judith Based on Fortunato Chelleri's dramma per musica Innocenza difesa - Jana Spáčilová
Between Opera and Oratorio. The Pasticcio Oratorios in Prague and Brno ca 1720–1760 - Paologiovanni Maione
‘Collected’ Pages for the Issipile (Teatro San Carlo, 1763) - Anna Ryszka-Komarnicka
Tortuous Roads. Tracing Back the Reception Paths of Apostolo Zeno’s Libretto Venceslao (1703–1754) - Bruno Forment
Pastiching as Artistic Research: Ifigenia / Ipermestra (Brussels, 2006) - Clemens Birnbaum
Handel’s Pasticci between Music History and Current Music Practice at the Handel Festival in Halle
Musicology Today
Volume 17 (2020): Issue 1 (December 2020)
- Aneta Markuszewska
In the Shadow of the Lost Crown. ‘Oppressed Innocence’ in the Operas Dedicated to Maria Clementina Sobieska in Rome (1720–1730) - Berthold Over
How to Impress the Public: Farinelli's Venetian Debut in 1728–1729 - Irena Bieńkowska
More on the Music of Giuseppe Torti (before 1752–after 1780) - Anna Ryszka-Komarnicka
Italian 17th- and 18th-Century Dramatic Works with Music, Written for the Clothing and Profession Ceremonies, with Special Reference to Compositions Based on the Book of Judith - Daniel A. Jones
Paul Hindemith's Symphonic Metamorphosis of Themes by Carl Maria von Weber for Orchestra: A Historical and Analytical Perspective - Agnieszka Cieślak
Bronisław Mirski - Polish Music Director of the Silent Film Era
Musicology Today
Volume 16 (2019): Issue 1 (December 2019)
Women-Composers in Poland
- Sławomira Żerańska-Kominek
Women-Composers in Poland - Aneta Markuszewska
Music-Making Women-Aristocrats - Magdalena Dziadek
Polish Female Composers in the Nineteenth Century - Iwona Lindstedt
“Why Are Our Women-Composers So Little Known?” - Małgorzata Gąsiorowska
Grażyna Bacewicz – The Polish Sappho - Iwona Lindstedt
Between Heart and Mind - Joanna Miklaszewska
Literature and visual arts as a source of inspiration - Jolanta Szulakowska-Kulawik
Justyna Kowalska-Lasoń: A Portrait with a Caravan in the Background
Musicology Today
Volume 15 (2018): Issue 1 (December 2018)
Deconstructing the Myth of Polishness in Music
- Sławomira Żerańska-Kominek
Deconstructing the Myth of Polishness in Music - Ryszard Daniel Golianek
The Concept of Polish Music: In Search of Adequate Criteria - Piotr Dahlig
Folklorism as an Invention of the State. Contributions of Polish Ethnomusicologists in Historical Perspective - Iwona Lindstedt
The Polish School of Composition in 20th-Century Music – A Recapitulation - Grzegorz Zieziula
Beyond the Dogma of a ‘National Style’: Dance-Type Narration in Stanislaw Moniuszko’s Operas - Tomasz Nowak
The Myth of Polishness in Polish Dances. How Ideologies Interpret Phenomena Related to Music and Movement - Rytis Urniežius
Edvard Grieg’s “Lost” Concert
Musicology Today
Volume 14 (2017): Issue 1 (December 2017)
‘Warsaw Autumn’ International Festival of Contemporary Music
- Jerzy Kornowicz
A Festival of Art and Ideas - Andrzej Chłopecki
The Warsaw Autumn: the Origin and the Beginnings - Małgorzata Gąsiorowska
The Warsaw Autumn International Festival of Contemporary Music Transformations of Programming Policies - Ewa Schreiber
“It is my world, to which you are invited…”. Composers’ self-reflection in the programme books of the Warsaw Autumn (1999–2016) - Michał Klubiński
Bohdan Wodiczko’s Programming Policies at Warsaw Philharmonic (1955-1958). Toward the Warsaw Autumn. - Mariusz Knorowski
Between Connotation and Denotation. Posters Announcing the Warsaw Autumn International Festival of Contemporary Music in 1956-2015 - Rūta Stanevičiūtė
Reception of the Warsaw Autumn Festival in Lithuania: Cultural Discourse and Political Context - Cindy Bylander
From Restrictions to Freedom The Perilous Path to the First Warsaw Autumn Festival
Musicology Today
Volume 13 (2016): Issue 1 (December 2016)
[Polish] Musicology Today
- Sławomira Żerańska-Kominek
[Polish] Musicology Today - Zofia Helman-Bednarczyk
The New Edition of Chopin’s Correspondence - Zbigniew Skowron
On Witold Lutosławski’s Artistic Self-Awareness. A Survey of Very Recent Research - Tomasz Jeż
The Music Repertoire of the Society of Jesus in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1565–1773) - Szymon Paczkowski
Research on 18thCentury Music in Poland. An Introduction - Katarzyna Naliwajek-Mazurek
Music in Nazi-Occupied Poland between 1939 and 1945 - Tomasz Nowak
National Dances in the Canon of Polish Culture - Mariusz Gradowski and Przemysław Piłaciński
Research on Popular Music conducted at the Institute of Musicology of the University of Warsaw in 1953–2015 - Mariusz Gradowski
Rock and Roll Styles and Genres in Poland (1957–1973)
Musicology Today
Volume 12 (2015): Issue 1 (December 2015)
The Musical Languages of Contemporary Polish Composers: Self-Reflections
- Sławomira Żerańska-Kominek
Editorial - Rafał Augustyn
“My” “Musical” “Language” ? - Beata Bolesławska-Lewandowska
Between Emotion and Intellect. On the Musical Language of Andrzej Panufnik (1914–1991) - Daniel Cichy
Witold Szalonek Seen Through His Own Views - Agnieszka Draus
Between the Lines: Reading Into Marek Stachowski’s Self-Reflections - Marcin Gmys
Integration Attempts Paweł Mykietyn and the Composer’s Self-Reflection - Iwona Lindstedt
The Musical Language of Kazimierz Serocki in the Light of the Composer’s Self-Reflection - Krzysztof Knittel
Some Remarks on my Composition Technique - Marcin Krajewski
The Strategy of “Controlled Reception” in Witold Lutosławski’s Commentaries on his own Works - Katarzyna Naliwajek-Mazurek
Paweł Szymański’s Self-Analyses Reread - Violetta Przech
“I Am a Manufacturer of Impressions.” - Paweł Hendrich and Krzysztof Stefański
Paweł Hendrich’s Emergent Sound System - Krzysztof Szwajgier
The Poetics of Unism in Music - Marta Tabakiernik
Marcin Stańczyk’s Afterimages and Aftersounds – Reflections and Self-Reflections
Musicology Today
Volume 11 (2014): Issue 1 (December 2014)
Oskar Kolberg
- Piotr Dahlig
Oskar Kolberg (1814–1890) the Founder of Musical Ethnography in Poland - Zbigniew Jerzy Przerembski
Kolberg’s opinions on changes in the choice of instruments in 19th century folk music - Tomasz Nowak
The Importance of the Collection of Oskar Kolberg for Contemporary Choreological Studies - Bożena Muszkalska
Kolberg and Jewish Music - Anastasiya Niakrasava
Belarusian Traditional Culture in the Legacy of Oskar Kolberg - Łukasz Smoluch
Oskar Kolberg’s Study of the Musical Culture of the Hutsuls - Teresa Nowak
Oskar Kolberg’s Volume on “Łużyce” [Lusatia]
Musicology Today
Volume 10 (2013): Issue 1 (December 2013)
Musical Historiography in Poland. New Sources – New Methodologies
- Agnieszka Leszczyńska
The Beginnings of Musical Italianità in Gdańsk and Elbląg in the Renaissance Era - Paweł Gancarczyk
Polyphonic Music in Fragments: A New Perspective for Polish Musicology? - Tomasz Jeż
The Musical Repertory Between the Confessions. Re-Catholicising Strategies in the Songbook of Johannes Schubart from Neisse (1625) - Irena Bieńkowska
Research into the Resources of Polish Courts. Notes on the Musicians of Stanisław Ciołek Poniatowski (1676–1762) - Aneta Markuszewska
<Alla Maestà Clementina Regina Della Gran Bretagna>: The Political Significance of Dedications on the Example of Selected Operas Staged in the Teatro d’Alibert in Rome (1720-1730) - Jakub Dmeński and Magdalena Walter-Mazur
A Collection of Music for Keyboard Instrument from Manuscript L 1668 (Book of Jadwiga Dygulska) of Sandomierz Diocese Library - Maciej Jochymczyk
Some Remarks on the Formation of the Classical Style: Instrumental Music by Amandus Ivanschiz
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